Years ago Mom ?nd ?r Grandma h?d ? food cellar where th?? stocked up ?n food just ?n case ?f an emergency. This custom h?? virtually disappeared from th? American lifestyle. Thus th? advent ?f emergency food rations, freeze dried foods. ??? never know when ??? might experience an emergency. With th? recent horrendous snow storms ?n th? east coast, ?nd th? severe weather ?n th? west coast, ?t ?? smart t? b? prepared. th? Mountain House 72-Hour Emergency Meal Kit ?? th? perfect answer with meals f?r three days f?r one adult, ?nd ??? w?ll rest easy knowing ??? ?r ???r family ?r? ready ?n case ?f hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, ?nd ?th?r events. Some people ?l?? take these delicious foods camping ?nd backpacking ?? th?? ?r? easy t? pack ?nd easy t? enjoy. th?? ?r? ideal when there ?? ? power outage, ?? ??? only h??? t? add water. th? Mountain House Company cooks fresh ?r frozen foods ?nd then freeze dries them s? th? flavor ?nd goodness ?r? locked ?n. Backpackers h??? said these ?r? th? best-tasting freeze dried food th?? h??? ever h?d. ??? don't h??? t? add anything ?r cook anything t? g?t ? complete meal.
This Mountain House meal kit includes three breakfasts, three side vegetables, ?nd six 10 ounce packets ?f lunch ?r dinner entrees, food enough f?r an adult f?r three days. Included ?r? granola with blueberries ?nd milk, scrambled eggs with bacon, scrambled eggs with ham ?nd pepper, garden green peas, whole kernel corn, cut green beans, beef stroganoff, chicken teriyaki, chili mac with beef, rice ?nd chicken, pasta primavera, ?nd sweet ?nd sour pork with rice. All this emergency survival food ??n b? prepared easily ?n challenging circumstances b? adding water, ?nd h??? ? seven year shelf life. Satisfied customer Christopher Coakley ?f Santa Barbara, California said, "Mountain House meals typically taste better than many ?f th? freeze-dried alternatives." m? son agrees with Mr. Coakley, ?nd takes them ?n motorcycle trips b?????? th?? ?r? ?l?? s? easy t? pack.
Filed: Survival and Emergencytags: mountain house 72-hour emergency food, emergency food rations, food for emergencies
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