By Nisha Ramirez
Everyone wants to find their soul mate but it can be extremely stressful. ?From worrying about first impressions to deciding if your partner is ?the one,? the process of finding love?can be daunting. ?Author Amy Leigh Mercree reveals how to make dating bearable with a bit of spiritual self-love. ?Mercree teaches all genders of all ages how to attract the right dates with positive energy, while remaining emotionally safe in her book, The Spiritual Girl?s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, and Soul Mates.
We got a chance to ask the spiritual dating coach and medical intuitive about spiritual dating and finding the perfect?partner.
What is Spiritual Dating?
Spiritual Dating is dating as if all people are sacred and worthy of respect and kindness. ?It?s your answer to how to feel satisfied and enthusiastic about dating. ?Date on YOUR terms.? You can have fun and enjoy dating while feeling emotionally safe.
Related: ?Using Numerology: Does Your Relationship Add Up?
Do you believe that there is a soul mate for everyone?
I think there is. ?In fact, I think there is more than just one. ?Soul mates, twin flames, and divine complements are real. ?You can find yours by sifting through your past dating patterns to become your most emotionally healthy self. ?Soul mates are?supposed?to find each other. ?You can tap into that universal, cosmic truth and attract yours.
I define soul mates as people who are from the same ?soul family.? ?That means that these beings know one another on a mystical, spiritual level.? Soul mates can be friends, family members, and romantic partners.? They are our soul deep relationships.
With loads of case stories about soul mates finding each other, and first hand experience finding my own, I can attest that soul mates are real. ?Learn the difference between soul mates, soul family, twin flames, and divine complements.? We are all part of a fascinating and interconnected web of souls.
Related:?Focus on Friendship for a Peaceful Dating Experience
If soul mates are real, why shouldn?t we?just sit around and wait for the universe to bring him/her to us and forget about dating?
Don?t discount the importance of practice dating.? You have to get out and experience dating and relationships to know who is a compatible partner for you.? You can find a soul mate, and if you aren?t compatible as people, you may be disappointed in the how the relationship turns out.
Dating can be emotionally draining. How does your guide help individuals cope with the process of finding their soul mate?
First and foremost by helping you foster self love.? Self love is the key to a satisfying love life. ?Strengthen yourself to attract the best dates and have the most fun. ?Choose you. ?It is always all about you ? even when it is about your relationship.? SELF LOVE IS THE KEY.
Magnetic people are confident.? They are real and authentic. ?They love themselves and feel comfortable in their skin. ?The Spiritual Girl?s Guide To Dating?teaches you how to authentically love yourself, and shows you how your life will get better because of it, so will your dates.
Related:?How to Define Your Aura to Find True Love
What is magnetism and how do we attract our future soul mates with it?
Some people are dazzling, charismatic, and attractive. ?They pull you in; they?re magnetic. ?That?s the kind of person you want to be when you?re searching for the perfect guy. ?Now don?t misunderstand the idea here. ?You don?t have to become someone different just to land a guy; you just have to be the best you possibly can. ?Not sure how to put your best foot forward? ?Well, in their highest expression these dazzling people have the following five traits that you should strive to exude:
1. They love themselves and they know who they are.
2. They are confident.
3. They are authentic?they are just themselves.
4. They own their sexuality and consciously direct their sexual energy.
5. They are magnetic.
You may not realize it now, but you already hold the key to becoming one of these dazzling people. ?All you have to do is embrace your inner strength and learn to love yourself for who you really are.
You talk about potential vs. reality. ?Are we wasting our time if we look for a partner who has the potential to be?what we want?
Yes.? Look for a partner who is already, in reality, today, what you want.? Waiting for a person to reach what you perceive as their potential is an unsatisfying way to be in a relationship.? Most of the time you are setting yourself up to be disappointed and settle for the wrong person.
What would you say is the #1 do and #1 don?t from your Spiritual Dating list?
#1 Do: Trust your instincts.
#1 Don?t: Don?t go against your gut feelings.
It is crucial to listen to your intuition and inner voice.? You already know what is best for you.? You just need to listen.
Ready to start Spiritual Dating? Get The Spiritual Girl?s Guide to Dating: Your Enlightened Path to Love, Sex, and Soul Mates at Amazon and check out Amy?s blog at
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